
Torque Sensor

The foreign companies are technology-based products developed by torque density, and other pressure sensors I plant products is characterized by simple structure, the use of maintenance-friendly, stable and reliable performance. Their own development, with independent intellectual property rights of the new intelligent instrument. Can be widely used in metallurgical, chemical, food and beverage, printing and dyeing, textile, paper, pharmaceutical, oil and other production processes, including acid and alkali, salt solution, the solution of various density, concentration of auto - On-line detection.
1. Range: 0 - ± 5. ± 10. ± 20. ± 50. ± 100. ± 200. ± 500. ± 1000. ± 2000 ± 5000 ± 10000 ± 20000 ± 3万+5 million 6.0 million 2. Output: 4-20mA 1-5V 0 +10 0 +5 5-15KHz 3. Supply voltage: 24 VDC 4. Frequency response: 100 US 5. Ambient temperature: -40-120 ℃ 6. Maximum load: 1.2 times the range 7. Insulation resistance:> 200 M Ω 8. 0.1 Drift: <0.5% 9. Accuracy: 0.1 0.25 0.5 10. Relative Humidity: <90% RH 三. Main features: 1 using digital signal processing technology, and strong anti-jamming 2 good stability. High accuracy. Reliability. 3 plot small, lightweight, easy to install. 4 can measure the pros and cons to the torque. 5 need to re-adjust to zero for measuring the positive and negative signal to the torque. 6 can be anywhere, any of the installation. 四. NOTES: 1. Cable must connect the wiring diagram, the confirmation to be electricity
Tel: 13151078758
E-mail shijun008007@sina.com
Nanjing Ran Control Technology Co., Ltd

Online density meter

本公司是以国外产品技术为基础研制开发的扭矩 密度 压力 等多种传感器我厂产品的特点是结构简单、使用维护方便、性能稳定可靠。是自身开发,具有自主知识产权的全新智能化仪表。可广泛地用于冶金、化工、食品、饮料、印染、轻纺、造纸、制药、石油等生产过程中的,包括酸、碱、盐溶液在内的多种溶液的密度、浓度的自动在线检测。
1、 采用一体化结构的两线制变送器,无活动部件维护简单.2、 四位半数字液晶显示.3、 安装使用方便,插入液体即可显示读数.4、 使用于流体或静止液体,适合于管道和罐体安装.5、 温度和密度两个参数可交替显示,便于进行行业标密换算.6、 连续在线测量液体密度无过程中断,可直接用于生产过程控制.7、 接触液体部件全部为几种介质不锈钢材料制造,安全;卫生.8、 本介安全型可用于危险环境;卫生型可安装于食品生产现场技术指标1、4~20mA 电流输出.选加数字信号(HART 协议)2、16~30VDC供电.推荐使用24VDC.3、密度量程 0~2克/立方厘米; 0~3克/立方厘米4、精度 0.001克/立方厘米5、分辨率 0.0005克/立方厘米6、温度量程 0~100℃7、温度精度 0.2℃8、环境温度 -10~60℃9、湿度范围 0-90%注意事项1、 定货时写明介质、量程及使用现场工况,如防爆、腐蚀、卫生、普通等。
Tel: 13151078758
E-mail shijun008007@sina.com
Nanjing Ran Control Technology Co., Ltd